Need Help with TS 2014 Reinstall


Hello all and good day...

We initially installed TS in the default location on our C drive. We have a two station license and we want both stations to share the same database. 

TS Support told us to install TS on an external hard drive and map that drive as a network drive to both stations. We have done this already.

My question is must we uninstall TS from the default location on our C drive first so that we can re-install it on the external drive? We are concerted about registration. Will Sage allow us to register the new installation or will it be blocked unless we uninstall first?


Can someone tell me how we can share the database between the two stations w/out re installing on an external hard drive and making that a network drive? Isn't it possible just to point one of the two stations at the database file on the C drive on the other station? Can we not share via out little "HomeGroup" we have set up with Windows 7?

All words of wisdom are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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    verified answer

    Hey Mike:

    Well, first of all, I would not run Timeslips on an external hard drive.  That can mean different things to different people, but if it is a NAS (network attached storage) type of drive via a USB cable my experience has been that you will have nothing but heartache.

    Yes you can 'host' the database and license file on the one PC and share it with the second PC.  Have done so MANY times over the years.  

    However it is that sharing and the mapping of the database and license file that really have to be correct for things to really sing.

    I usually install to a C:\APPS\Timeslips folder because for a long time Windows did not like you to try to share things in your Program Files folder.  It also makes it easier to understand where the central install is vs were each machine has their local install.

    In your case, I would just copy the Timeslips folder that you currently have under Program Files to the APPS folder.  Then rename the Timeslip.CFG file in the Program Files folder. When you launch Timeslips again on that machine, it will complain that it cannot find that file, but it will give you a chance to point to where it should find it now and you will be able to change it.

    There are two main rules about the pathing.  1) There shall be ONE and only ONE CFG file.  If you find others outside of the C:\APPS\Timeslips folder, rename it.  This is your central license file and acts like a traffic cop to the database.  More than one traffic cop trying to direct traffic to the database and you will get error messages and problems.  2) The path to that CFG file and the database need to match for ALL users. That can be a bit of a challenge for peer to peer networks as one of the machines can be using C:\APPS\Timeslips but the other workstations can't because they don't host the database.  You can try mapping a T:\ (any letter, it doesn't have to be T) that is that shared folder and then all can use T:\ to hit the CFG and data folder.  However a lot of Windows 7 or higher machines really seem to like UNC mapping (just google it) where there is no actual drive letter, just //name of the machine/name of the share/path.  You can use EITHER a mapped drive or UNC mapping. What matters is that the pathing is the SAME for ALL machines.

    Hope this helps.  

    If you think this suggestion was especially helpful, please consider rating it within the five star option, or clicking the green Yes button next to the "Did this answer your question?" option below.  Thanks.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 20 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon

    Thank you again Nancy. Please move to Austin, TX!
