How do I export detailed time data to CJA federal billing voucher?


I am a new time slips user so still figuring it out.  I need to prepare a federal billing for an appointed case in which all time input into timeslips needs to be exported into the voucher for billing.  How do I do this?  Thank you in advance for any assistance.  Kris

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    I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind when you say "exported into the voucher."  Timeslips can export data to a CSV (comma separated value) file for importing into many many other programs, but generally a form does not import data.

    I have worked with many firms in the past where we have set up Activities to match the CJA form needed data and then set up a report that gives you the needed data to key into the form.  But that's as close as I've ever been able to come.

    Hope this helps.  

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    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 21 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

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    I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind when you say "exported into the voucher."  Timeslips can export data to a CSV (comma separated value) file for importing into many many other programs, but generally a form does not import data.

    I have worked with many firms in the past where we have set up Activities to match the CJA form needed data and then set up a report that gives you the needed data to key into the form.  But that's as close as I've ever been able to come.

    Hope this helps.  

    If you think this suggestion was especially helpful, please consider rating it within the five star option, or clicking the green Yes button next to the "Did this answer your question?" option below.  Thanks.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 21 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon

    You can create a report and export the data via print to excel. Then import into the form the difficulty or ease depends on the form and your skills. I have a client where I was able to produce a report out of Timeslips that met the needs for CJA. They were able to print to rtf or excel and add a few details and then submit.