Lost check marked names in client filter in Sage Timeslips

Hello, I am somewhat new to Sage Timeslips. Started working on generating batch bills (Timeslips 2012). My attorney advised that I check off specific clients to bill. I went to the selection filter and checked off the names and saved the filter. There are over 250 names that I had to check off. I had other work to do, so I walked away for a bit. I think I might have moved one of the arrows in the selection filer and saved over the names and now the names are no longer checked. How do I avoid doing this?  Is there a way of getting back those names?  

  • 0
    While you can save the filters with the report I don't recommend this as each time you will need to resave. First, if this is a selection you need to make and it is based on some criteria I would suggest using custom fields. These are assigned to the clients and then you just say choose all clients that meet this filter. Much more accurate way to filter.
    If this is a more random selection you can save the selection criteria as a filter by clicking the icon on the right that shows as "save selection" when you put your mouse over it. When you come back you can "retrieve the selection".
  • 0 in reply to Caren2
    First - "While you can save the filters with the report" - Caren, what "report" do you mean? I have only done the generating of bills once so far, last month and I messed up because I didn't know to put in proof stage.(I did approve them though - hopefully this coming month's bills are okay). I had minimal training from the person that worked at this office before me - about a day and a half. Secondly, the selection of clients is a little random at this office, and as I open new client files I must add their names to the client selection. Third question/issue: It appears that I didn't actually lose all the checked off clients - they are no longer in the Client Selection filter - yet some (not all) of the original checked off names are in the Billing Assistant List View. Fourth question - where do I create this filter of specific clients if I want it to go to the Billing Assistant? I think I want to save the selection criteria as a filter as you said above. So it looks like I have to check off tons of names again. I thought I saved it the first time. I am perplexed as I said above in the third question - the checked off names are gone in the selection filter but there are some of the checked off names in the Billing Asst. List view. Donna
  • 0 in reply to Mooncat7
    Bills are reports. Any type of reports.