Getting to know your costs and Cost structures (Part I).

1 minute read time.

This blog and the following ones will cover how the costs and cost structures are set up and calculated. 

In Common data, Logistics tables, a Cost function can be set up to define various costs associated with a cost nature. This function can be used with purchased products and the cost can be selected to be added to the stock valuation.

When creating a new cost, a cost nature such as Packing, Loading, …etc. can be selected from the drop-down list.

Selecting a cost nature is mandatory. Once the cost nature is selected, there are seven product cost calculations to choose from:

Percentage per net price: This choice allows the percentage to be added to the net price of the document line.

Fixed amount: With the fixed amount, the amount is added to the document regardless of the QTY or any other criteria defined.

Amount per unit: An amount is added to every N quantity of a unit.

Amount by fixed bracket: A fixed amount will always apply based on a range. For example, if the cost is $5 for every 100 LB. If 200 LB is purchased, the cost will be $10.

Schedule: When the schedule is selected, two choices are present: Per unit & Amount, and normally the amount, base, and unit cost are all set in a schedule. 

Weighted amount: The calculation is calculated based on (Quantity * amount / (Weight /100).

Formula: A formula is defined using the item, supplier, and a corresponding table such as ITMMASTER, ITMBPS, or PORDER table.

  • Hi Vanessa! Do you have experience on reporting against landed cost buckets? We're trying to figure out the best method to analyze expected landed costs against actual landed costs and from what we can see in X3, the landed costs are all bundled together vs showing the breakout of our cost structures. Any help or advice you can provide is appreciated!!

  • Hi Vanessa! Do you have experience on reporting against landed cost buckets? We're trying to figure out the best method to analyze expected landed costs against actual landed costs and from what we can see in X3, the landed costs are all bundled together vs showing the breakout of our cost structures. Any help or advice you can provide is appreciated!!
