How to prevent a stock line received into a dock location from being allocated?

1 minute read time.

Generally, when you receive a bulk order, you would temporarily put them into a dock location until you put it away. Please refer to the following blog post What is Put-away plan and how to process it?.

In this blog, let us investigate a scenario where how to prevent a detail allocation from a “Dock” location?  

We know that an item received into a dock location can be allocated, but if that stock line is on a storage list, and the general parameter, “blocked quantities in process of put-away” (WIPSTOLCK) in STO/ MIS group is set to ‘Yes’ then we can prevent the SO from being delivered.

This parameter is used to plan the stock waiting to be put away, and when it is taken into account in the put-away list, that stock will be locked and it cannot be used by other functions.

There are two options to select from.

  • ‘Yes’: the issue movement is not authorized but a global allocation is possible.
  • ‘No’: the stock waiting to be put away and considered in the put-away list can be used and in particular allocated. As a result, the stock to be putaway is then updated.

1. Receive material into a ‘Dock’ location.

2. Generate a storage list using the ‘Put-away plan’ FUNSSL.

  • To generate a storage list, select the site and hit search.
  • Then select the line(s) that you wan to generate a storage list.
  • Save the storage list.

3. Allocate the sales order lines, notice, allocation type “Global” is allocated but the “Detail” line is not.

  • Click on the preparation button to generate a pick ticket,
  • you will receive the following message

“Quantity shortage: negative stock prohibited”

  • Click ‘OK’, receive a blocking message:

“The allocated quantity is not deliverable, The quantity to be delivered is in shortage and negative stock is prohibited, or shortage quantities are not deliverable.

  • This will leave the sales order at Not delivered and Partially allocated status.

4. Validate the storage list generated above in put away plan

  • Allocate the rejected quantity (i.e. detail allocation)
  • Generate the pick ticket and the delivery.

Note, if the automatic allocations (FUNAUTALL) running as a batch task and the storage list is not in place at the time of the automatic allocation, then the SO lines will be allocated and delivered.

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