How to setup LDAP for V7 and later?

2 minute read time.

Happy new year, as my first blog in 2015 I like to talk about LDAP.

If you have used LDAP in V6 or you like to have a mechanism for your user's password to get authenticated from your active directory, you may want to setup your Sage ERP X3 to use LDAP. Before we start I'd like to point that LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is different than SSO (Single sign-on). In V7 at the moment, it's not possible to have SSO, and when you setup and configure LDAP, still users have to enter their user ID and password, but for that you can set the browser to save the entered password.

In order to setup and configure LDAP follow below steps:(Note: this instructions only work for V7 P6 and higher and for most of the information for connecting your LDAP server to Sage ERP X3, a collaboration between you and your IT professional might be needed)

  1. Open Administration, Administration, LDAP Servers.

  2. Click on New LDAP directory.
  3. Enter a Name and enter a Display name.

  4. Enter the URL for your LDAP server name, for example:

  5. For DN for searching field enter a distinguished name of an LDAP user which has the rights to search the LDAP tree, for example:

  6. Enter the password for the previous user in the Password for search DN search.
  7. Search base field, defines the root of the sub tree within the LDAP structure in which the search will be performed.
  8. For the definition of other fields review the Sage X3 online help.
  9. At the end your setup page might look like below.  

  10. Click Save and make sure that that testing the connection using the Connection test button results in a "Connection OK" message, if not review your prier settings.
  11. Now if you create a new user you can determine the method of authentication and set it up for LDAP.
  12. Open Administration, Administration, Users.
  13. Click Create user to create a new user.
  14. Type a login and select LDAP as the authentication method.
  15. For the LDAP instance use the look up and select your user.

  16. Now when this user tries to login to Sage ERP X3 and enters his/her user name and password below actions happens.
  1. If there is no instance in the users entity for the login name the user cannot log in.
  2. If there is an instance of the users entity, the system will perform an LDAP search for the user's distinguished name that identifies the user in the LDAP structure. If an authentication name is provided, this name will be used for the search; otherwise, the login name will be used.
  3. If the entry is found, an LDAP authentication will be performed with the distinguished name and the password. If the authentication succeeds, the user can use the application.


Conclusion: You can setup your Sage ERP X3 to connect to your LDAP server and authenticate users based on their password in LDAP server.


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