In search of suspended matching transactions

2 minute read time.

In my blogs, I have mentioned numerous times that we are supposed to have a zero value in the Matching field in Accounting tasks under Usage, Batch server. The Online help says the field represents “the number of matching groups pending validation.” We want the value to be zero to ensure that transactions which could impact our financials, ability to pay invoices, etc. have made it through to the GL and matching when appropriate had been carried out.

You may be wondering how do we identify what transactions are behind the Matching value so that we can safely clear them out? Now, it just happens that free with every SEED folder there are suspended matching transactions to practice on. So, let’s go in search of suspended matching transactions!

Before we go any further, we want to make sure that the Batch Server (BATCHSERVERS) is running. In addition to running does the Batch Server have an adequate value for Maximum active queries to handle recurring tasks, reports and accounting tasks. From the Online help: “This field makes it possible to define the maximum number of tasks which can be active simultaneously globally on the runtimes pool. If this number is exceeded, the starting of the other pending tasks is postponed.”

We should also check the Recurring tasks under Usage, Batch Server to see what days and times the Accounting task are scheduled to run.  Why do I check this, the Accounting task and the Recurring tasks? We want to make sure that the transactions aren’t just waiting in line to be processed.

Once we’ve determined that the transactions aren’t just in line to process, how do we figure out what transactions are out there?

We’ll start by creating a simple Query Tool. This function is found under Setup, Usage, Reports.

  • Code = SUSMATCH
  • Description = Suspended Matching
  • Representation = Character
  • Select Active

For the Fields section, the print screen below displays the Field selections we will need from the MTCBATCH and GACCENTRYD tables. Here is the formula for the Expression column on line 7 so that you can just copy it in: [F:DAE]AMTLED*[F:DAE]SNS

For the Links grid, here are the two Link expressions that you can copy into lines 1 and 2:



Now, we are ready to Create (or Save), Validate and Run

Once in the Suspended Matching query, click Search.  The results are the transaction lines behind the Matching value.

Now that we have identified the suspended matching transactions, the troubleshooting can begin...

Take care my X3 friends. Stay safe! 

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