Perfecting Your Payment Proposals

2 minute read time.

With each check run in Enterprise Management, you strive to pay all your supplier invoices on time, but not early and take advantage of discounts. Occasionally, the Payment Proposals doesn’t include all the invoices you expected. Here are some tips on what to look for when that happens.

Check that the payment methods defined on the payment type are in the “Authorized" list of payment methods and that Auto Proposal is selected.

  1. Open Setup, A/P-A/R Accounting, Payment Entry Types.
  2. Select the Payment Type.
  3. Add the appropriate Payment Method based on the payment terms associated with the invoice.
  4. Click on the Steps tab.
  5. Select Auto proposals.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Validate.

On the BP supplier record’s, Financial tab, a bank is populated, and the bank must match the bank selected on payment proposals or else that supplier's invoices will not be selected.

  1. Open Common Data, BPs, Suppliers.
  2. Click on the Financial tab.
  3. Verify the Bank listed in the Payment block matches the one used on Payment Proposal.

The Supplier Invoice should not have Statement checked.

  1. Open A/P-A/R accounting, Invoicing, Supplier BP Invoices.
  2. On the Header tab, confirm the Statement check box is not selected.
  3. It is in the Open items section.
  4. If Statement was checked, the invoice can be updated by clicking Open items on the
  5. Click the Statement option and select No.
  6. Click OK.

The Supplier or Purchase Invoice may not have posted to the General Ledger.

  1. From the invoice, click on Zooms, Accounting Document to verify that a journal was created.
  2. If not:
  • Open Usage, Batch server, Accounting tasks.
  • Check that the Accounting tasks has Status equal to Active.
  • Check for any Journals on Hold.

The Invoice may have not posted to the same AP Control Account that was selected in the Payment Proposal.

  1. From the invoice, click on Zooms, Accounting Document.
  2. Confirm the correct GL Accounts were used during posting.

Payment Proposals group by Supplier Payment addresses and the group total of invoices and credit memos must be greater than zero to appear as part of the proposal


Review the Pay-to Supplier address on the invoices to ensure you are using the correct supplier code. The Supplier and the Pay-to may be different

  1. Open A/P-A/R accounting, Invoicing, Supplier BP Invoices. (Purchase invoice under Purchasing, Invoices is similar)
  2. Select invoice which is not being selected.
  3. Click Open items button and review the Business partner address.
  4. Compare the Business partner address to one on a selected invoice.
  5. Review the Pay-by field under A/P-A/R accounting, Inquiries, Supplier aged bal to date.  

Check the date selections in the Payment Proposal under A/P-A/R Accounting, Payments on the header.

  1. If running proposal by Due date, the invoice due date must fall within the from and through dates.
  2. Check the invoice and payment proposal date formats to ensure the proposal dates are correct: European format is DD/MM/YY.

While you are in the Payment Proposal, review the Criteria tab.

  • Don’t forget the Amounts settings for maximum item, minimum payment and total maximum which could block your invoice from appearing on the check run.
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