Using calendar functionality of X3 you can create shipping calendar. Shipping calendar could ensure delivery tracking and order fulfillment runs efficiently helping sales team and warehouse shipping team to work together.
Below is very high-level calendar functionality with simple setup. You could expand your setup to suite your business needs.
For Shipping calendar demonstration, I will be using SORDER and BPCARRIER table.
Step 1: In function Graphical query tool (GESALT) create new query.
- Add SORDER and BPCARRIER table.
- Drag ‘ date’ filed up to create group.
Selection (Filter): In Advance Tab include the following criteria.
- month([F:SOH]DEMDLVDAT)>0
- year([F:SOH]DEMDLVDAT)=2024
- [F:SOH]ORDSTA <> 2
- Activate, Save and validate the query.
Run the query in GESALT to verify that appropriate records are generated.
Step 2: In function Dashboard view (GESAPV) create new view.
Data Source
- Type: REQ
- Code: “Query code createed in step 1”
Visual Component: FCA
Parameter values – As in Screenshot below
Step 3: In Syracuse administration function Menu items create new menu items.
Create new menu item - Query.
Create new menu item query calendar.
Step 4: Create new Home Page - Calendar dashboard.
You will have Order to ship calendar.
You can click on sales order to view additional details like country to ship, Carrier, etc. You can drill onto sales order for further analysis.