What is the difference between a Primary valuation method and a Secondary valuation?

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Valuation methods can be found in Setup, Stock, Valuation methods. This function is used to select the primary valuation that is going to be assigned to a product. Several valuation methods are available for selection based on the country's legal requirements: 

Standard cost, Revised cost, Last cost, Cumulative AUC, FIFO cost, Lot AUC, and LIFO cost.

Once the valuation is assigned to a product, the system will value the movement of the product based on the valuation assigned if the cost of the product is not null. However, if the cost that is associated with this valuation is null, the system is going to look for an alternate valuation "Valuation alternate" which is also found in the Valuation method function. Valuation alternate is used as an alternative for all valuation methods except standard cost. With standard cost, if there is no current-year cost, the system will look for the previous/old standard cost record and use it. If no existing STD cost records exist, then the system will use the Valuation alternate assuming that the Allow null cost box is checked.

In Sage X3, it is possible to track a Secondary valuation method. This is useful if there is a need to track the product cost using a different valuation method. If this option is enabled, each movement on the product is tracked using the Secondary valuation method allowing for a ‘What if’ analysis for each product assigned to this cost.

After the transaction is created with the option to track a secondary valuation is enabled, the fields AMTVAL2, VARVAL2, and PRIVAL2 that are found in the STOJOU table will have the cost per unit and total cost of the secondary valuation method.