It may happen that you could experience issue after upgrading components of Sage X3 from latest release. You have downloaded all the mandatory component and upgraded those components without issue. Now when you try to login to Sage X3 you may be experiencing below Application connection loading error. You may be wondering what went wrong.
The above issue is related to Component Update and may be resolved with the following steps.
Step 1 : X3 management console
Verify if component update setup is required for Runtime.
Step 2: Runtime Parameter
Verify / update runtime Parameter.
Save your changes.
Step 3: Configure Runtime
Click on configure and confirm.
Step 4: SQL update
Console may popup with SQL update window
Copy the pwsh command from the window
Exit out of console.
Step 5: PowerShell
Open windows PowerShell command (with Runas Administrator if applicable)
Run pwsh -Command “copied in above step"
Step 6: Complete update component in console
Open console, select runtime, select configure.
Login to X3 to verify if the issue is resolved.