Query tool - How to get data from custom fields


Hello everyone,

I am running a Query to get some info about a item.

Table ITMMASTER; Field ITMREF; Others Fields by default.

The info that i need is related with a Custom Field, where i need the value of the field and their descripton. 

Table ITMMASTER; Field YACAB; Others Fields by default. Will return "V02", How do i get "VZ MT"? 

I already try collect the descripton from the tables ATABDIV and ATEXTRA but i do not know how to make the connection. 

Someone can help me?

Thank you guys.

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    You will get the value from the ATEXTRA, the index on the table ATEXTRA is as follow:

    CODFIC = "ATABDIV" : if We are using the miscellaneous table to fetch and retrieve the value.
    ZONE = "LNGDES": It is use to store data type "LNGDES/SHODES"
    LANGUE = "ENG": The language for storing the data.
    IDENT1 = "6012" : Miscellaneous table code if you are using the miscellaneous table.
    IDENT2 = VALUE #Code from miscellaneous table '6012'

    After applying the above filter you will receive value in "TEXTE" field.

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    you can use standard function to collect description in your query. (standard query)  

    example: func AFNC.TEXTRA("ATABDIV","LNGDES","Table Code","Field value")