Sequence number assigned by import template system

Good day everyone,

We are working with out connector under a client that have the versión 8.5 of X3. Just for doing an small introduction we have a software embebbed inside x3 that using the import system template of X3 allows us to create the deliveries of the orders.

Everything works great, we create the deliveries and they got assigned an identifier that is managed by X3, the problem is when for example an user is inside the order the import system fails and doesn't create the delivery, our system can retry this import when the user releases the order, when the import is success the sequence number is a new one creating a jump between numbers and not being correlative.

If my next sequence is 10 and the import fails once when it will work and create the delivery the sequence number will be the number 12 not the number 11.

There's anyway to avoid this situation?

Hope I explained properly myself.

Thanks everyone for the assistance/help

  • 0


    What is the error that you get when the import fails?


  • 0 in reply to Esfahani

    If it fails usually is because the user is inside the order when we are doing the import of the delivery for that order.  The message is something like this $SORDER ORDERNUMBER Order being modified from other location. That situation or other kind of errors that could happen meanwhile doing an import uses one/Consumes a sequence number.After when the user fixes the situation and the import succeed the number is not sequential anymore creating spaces between the deliveries sequence.