Blank Report

Hi there,

We have an issue where a few users are trying to run a report but it is producing a blank PDF.

The same users can run other reports fine.

Other users who have a different user profile can run this report fine.

This points to the user profile or something in that area being at fault.

However, we have created a new test user profile from scratch to match the existing one, and when we attach this to the users they can run the report fine and the PDF contains data.

Therefore we have 2 identical profiles where 1 works and the other doesn't

Unfortunately it's not as simple as putting everyone on the new test profile instead as the profiles are very specifically named and match communications etc.

Does anyone have any ideas what this might be?

Thank you.

  • 0

    From my experience when a report is blank this mean the selection criteria are set in a way there are no result. Are you sure the selection criteria are the same for all users? Indeed some are preloaded from general parameters set on the user level such as default dates (DATEDEBDFT, DATEFINDFT, DATSTADEB, DATSTAFIN). These parameters can be changed by the user him/herself by using the function CHXPERSO.
    Else, the report access can be controled by function profile, look at the report dictionnary (GESARP) / Authorizations block. 

  • 0 in reply to Julien Patureau

    Hi Julian, thank you for your response. 

    We've checked the criteria already and this is the same in both instances (when it works and when it doesn't) so we ruled that out.

    We then compared the Functional Profile of both Roles and they are identical, so we are stumped.

    (As an aside, although not really to do with this as it works for one and not the other, but we don't have GESARP in the profile list for either role - do we need it?)

  • 0 in reply to Julien Patureau

    Hi Julian, thank you for your response. 

    We've checked the criteria already and this is the same in both instances (when it works and when it doesn't) so we ruled that out.

    We then compared the Functional Profile of both Roles and they are identical, so we are stumped.

    (As an aside, although not really to do with this as it works for one and not the other, but we don't have GESARP in the profile list for either role - do we need it?)

  • 0 in reply to Jonny1409

    No GESARP is usually need for the admin or tech people. Checking the setup of the report might give you a clue. Do the users access to the same site? Is it a standard report? Maybe the default printer is not properly set (GESAIA)

  • 0 in reply to Julien Patureau

    Ok thank you.

    The report is a standard one that hasn't been touched, so I suspect the report is ok.

    I suppose the fact that it works for other users confirms this.

    What's strange is the fact that a newly created profile does in fact work, even though this is identical to the profile that doesn't work. Maybe we just have to put it down to "one of those quirks" and recreate the roles again from scratch.