Alternative BOM and Routing for Product Versions on the same site

Hi Enterprise Management Fanatics,

We are trying to use product versions and we found that we cannot have 2 different alternatives for the same product x version pair. Why is this a limitation, if we don't use product x version, but just product we can make as many alternatives (BOM or Routing) as we want. Does anyone have a clue about this limitation? Any advantage?

Thanks for Help!

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    I have never implemented version management but my understanding is: managing version is to have a simple way to identify a product / stock based on its unique production process. If same version can be produced in multiple ways, it would defeat the purpose of managing version. Then, you might just need to implement traceability (using lot management for instance) w/o BoM / routing version mgt. 

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    I have never implemented version management but my understanding is: managing version is to have a simple way to identify a product / stock based on its unique production process. If same version can be produced in multiple ways, it would defeat the purpose of managing version. Then, you might just need to implement traceability (using lot management for instance) w/o BoM / routing version mgt. 
