Production tracking message while trying to validate the tracking "this component has already been produced for this WO"


We have a very particular case where within a specific work order we have to produce product A, and use as component product B, but sometimes we also produce product B as sub-product, while in a specific labour work for preparation of the product B to be consumed.

When we try to validate the consumption of the product B we get this message:

"this component has already been produced for this WO"


Create WO for product A where the BOM is Product B as component, but also Product B as sub-product;

Create tracking to consume Product B;

Create tacking to produce sub-product Product B;

Validate - OK; This way we have product B as intermediate stocks;

Create tracking to consume Product B again, now to finally produce Product A;

Create tracking to produce Product A;

Validate - NOK Message "this component has already been produced for this WO"

This message is saying we cannot produce and consume the same product,

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