How can I find processes running in background?


I'm trying to find a way to view active processes while updating products but I've had no luck since last week. If I try to click from one field to another in Identification tab with or without making a change, it keeps loading for more than 30 minutes. After 30+ minutes, I can click on those fields but if I change something, it starts loading screen again. Weird thing is, it's only happening in Identification tab. All other tabs are working fine. I can update from other tabs easily and it only takes a second. FYI, I'm having this problem in SAGE X3 V7.

Loading screen below:

Can you please help me why it's doing so? Why it's taking so long to go from one field to another?

Please let me know if anything is not clear and thank you for your time.

  • 0

    Is X3 running some validation in background? Is it possible to find those validations?

  • 0

    Hi, the first thing you have to do is "A timing execution" Help > Diagnostic > Activation timing :

    The system will create a log file with the different process (script execution) : 

    Do your modification and wait (30 minutes but maybe more because the timing increases the time of execution) : 

    After the record has been modified, you can "Reading the timing (same menu but entry "Reading menu" : 

    The log will tell you the total time of execution (red) and will do a list of the process and the time per process.

    After that, you have to find why the "Gosub" in the Script is so long.

    In your case, I think is due to a try to load data. I see some personalized tabs and maybe you have a spreadsheet with a wrong setting.

    Give me some information (the detail of the log), I am very interested by performance in Sage X3.

  • 0 in reply to GERALDES Adrien

    Thank you for you reply.

    This is the log I'm getting(screenshot below). 

  • 0 in reply to subasht

    Ok, the problem comes from control from Portugal country (my country). The system controls if you have already sale or buy a product with this description of the product. If yes, you can't change the description 2 and 3.

    The system will check the line of invoice, return, etc.

    Local File COMPANY [CPY]
    Local File FACILITY [FCY]
    Local File TABPIVTYP [TPV]
    Local File SINVOICE [SIH]
    Local File SINVOICED [SID]
    Local File SDELIVERY [SDH]
    Local File SDELIVERYD [SDD]
    Local File SRETURN [SRH]
    Local File SRETURND [SRD]
    Local File SCHGH [SGH]
    Local File SCHGD [SGD]
    Local File PINVOICE [PIH]
    Local File PINVOICED [PID]
    Local File PRETURN [PNH]
    Local File PRETURND [PND]

    Maybe, you have a lot compagny with the portugal legal and lines in your tables.

    Please execute: SQLDICO and show the log file. Maybe you have got an index messing.

    I shouldn't not advice you to do that, but you can try to desactivate temporary the control : 

  • 0 in reply to GERALDES Adrien

    That's interesting. Our company is in Australia though.

    The thing is, I can edit and save any product. Only problem is the processing time. It's taking too long to go to another field.

    Also, can I run SQLDICO in live folder?

  • +1 in reply to subasht
    verified answer

    Yes, you can run SQLDICO, nothing will be doing in the database. The system will generate a log.

    Have you tried to deactivate the control on the field? Just to be sure, it is the control of the field.

    On the fields (DES2 and DES3), you put Execution "Import/Batch" and you validate your screen. You can do that in a test folder before. After this action, the issue is still yet?

    In this control, you have this kind of query:

    AND SINVOICE.CPY_0 in (''
    AND SINVOICE.ACCDAT_0 >= '2012-01-01 00:00:00.000'

    AND SDELIVERY.CPY_0 in (''
    AND SDELIVERY.SHIDAT_0 >= '2012-01-01 00:00:00.000'
    Have you got some skills of DBA ?
    It is clearly a mistake in the development and maybe you can improve that with index but you can open a case to Sage to fix this issue.
  • 0 in reply to GERALDES Adrien

    Thank you. I appreciate you answers. It's not fixed yet but I'll have to come back to this issue later.