How does MRP determine Suggested Work Order Start date


Can someone shed some light on how MRP calculates the suggested work order start date.

We have a demand forecast for quantity 1 in week 4 of Feb

When we run enterprise planning it shows that the requirement date based on the demand forecast (Sales Order Suggested) is 24/02/2020 which we can confirm is the Monday of week 4 on the calendar

Below is the suggested Work order

Was hoping that if the requirement is the 24th then the suggestion will be to meet this date with date earlier or equal to 24/02/2020

  • 0

    Have you set a Production Lead Time on the Product-Site record (under 'Planning')?

  • 0

    It's based on either production leadtime/routing leadtime and forward/backward scheduling. We're set to backwards with 9 day production leadtime, so the start date is 9 days prior to end date for us.

  • 0 in reply to John Mitchell

    Thank you very much.

    Where do you set forward or backward for MRP processing?

  • +1
    verified answer

    A few questions to understand more of this issue.

    1. On the product site record,  have you set a firm horizon? The firm horizon pushes the suggestion to be outside of the horizon. So if you have a firm horizon of 2 weeks, it would put your suggestions to two weeks out.

    2. what date was the MRP ran?

    3. On "Setup -> Stock -> Requirement Parameters", what is the bucket size, and have you set "automatic adjustment" on your buckets setting. This is related to which day you ran your MRP. If you are on a weekly bucket without the "auto adjustment " turned on and ran your MRP on a Tuesday, your weekly bucket would be Tuesday to Tuesday, and would somewhat explain a Tuesday suggestion.

    To troubleshoot this, it's would be helpful if you can provide the following screenshots.

    1. "Setup -> Stock -> Requirement Parameters"

    2. The product-site record's planning tab.

    3. "Manufacturing -> Inquiries -> Reorder results > MPR results"

    Finally, I just want to mention that even though you can schedule your work order with forward scheduling, MRP only calculates in a backward scheduling manner. 

  • 0 in reply to TimboSlice

    For this product, we do not have any lead times on product site record. We have set up the parameters of the requirements so that MPS always users routing times.