How to test login + password



Is there a sub-program or a web service to test a login + password on Sage X3 V11 ?


  • 0

    What are you trying to achieve ?   If you have access to the local X3 instance, why not check your login name/password by logging into X3 itself ?     You can execute ANY webservice call as it will need a valid username/password to succeed

  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    I'm developping an external app.  In this app, the user must log via sage X3 user / password to confirm access.

    After log, the app call a soap web service X3 i created. This service complete a trace log, get some stuffs and must check the user/password X3 to confirm the access. I can check the ID with a read on AUTILIS but not the crypted password.

  • 0 in reply to Alec6

    Sorry I'm still a little confused, so the username and password entered by the user are used by the webservice call, or is this a static usernamepassword which is differenet ?

    If you use the username and password from the user themselves, then X3 will do the validation for you, there is no need to try and manually reauthenticate.    

    Also, the AUTILIS is the folder level username, which may be different from the username they login as

  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    The web service is set and used just to etablsih the communication between the app and sage X3.

    The user doesn't access to the settings of web service and doesn't set the aliaspool.

    The first screen of the app is a login. the user input this id and password.

    The web service check if the user/password is OK. It's this point i want to do.

  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    The web service is set and used just to etablsih the communication between the app and sage X3.

    The user doesn't access to the settings of web service and doesn't set the aliaspool.

    The first screen of the app is a login. the user input this id and password.

    The web service check if the user/password is OK. It's this point i want to do.
