Action that opens a window


I've started doing some very basic scripts in house but I've run into a wall recently.

I'm trying to emulate the same behavior that is seen with MANHLDREL tied with the manual hold button on the SO screen.  That is, when the action is triggered, a window pops up and prompts for user input.  (When a user clicks the lock icon "HLDBTN" it prompts for a hold code)

I want an action that could be triggered from a workflow.  When that action is fired off, I want a window to pop up prompting for some user input.

As for what it is I'm specifically working on, if you're curious, I've created an action that is triggered by a sales order deletion workflow.  That action will write some key information we want to capture about that deleted order, but one of the things we would like to capture is the reason for the order deletion.

I've got a screen and window set up, similar to the set up for the MANHLDREL.  My action is successfully capturing what I need from the sales order table, now I just need to prompt the user for the deletion reason.

I've tried opening the mask using "Local Mask ZDELREASON[ZDRN]"  but that just loads the mask into memory for use as a working area.  It doesn't load the window I need.