MongoDB migration PU8.07 to V12.21


Has anyone done a MongoDB migration from PU8 to V12?

I'm following some KB's:36290,74246.
According to the material, it consists in to perform a Mongodump in the source server and perform a Mongorestore in the new server removing some collections. (Setting, X3Server, Host)

I've tried the procedure many times without success. After restoring the Mongodb data the Syracuse service does not run anymore.
Is there any additional procedure to be done?

  • 0

    Hello Juliano Slight smile

    I do not have experience with such a big step with mongodb but what does the syracuse log say? The log usually mentions mongodb connections, maybe you can get a clue about what is wrong there (port, mongodb service down, mongodb.conf missing something ...).

    Best of luck.


  • 0 in reply to RobertoMSNascimento

    Thanks for your answer, I got some license errors that were solved by not importing the collections certificate, ca-certificates and license. (What makes a lot of sense, because we have a V12 trying to use a pu8 license)
    Now I'm able to connect in the application, the folders are available, but when the menu is activated the error msg is shown: "Cannot read property 'uuid' of undefined"

  • 0

    You need to be very careful, and be clear about what you're trying to achieve here.   It sounds like you are trying to do a server migration and upgrade at the same time, which is not what KB article 74246 is giving instruction for.   Perhaps you should be doing just a normal migration and then add in the steps to migrate administration data over seperately ?

    I am not clear your requirements here, but essentially note 74246 will give you a PU8 version of your mongodb on the new server.  You still need to upgrade the data in it for V12, which you would do by running the Syracuse upgrade... but I'm not sure what components you already have installed on the new server so its difficult for me to be more precise.  

    Hope this helps in some way

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Juliano,

    What is the MongoDB version on your PU8 server?  It is probably MongoDB 3.2.
    You can't upgrade MongoDB 3.2 to 3.6 by just running the Sage installers.

    On a VM install a MongoDB at the same version (probably 3.2) as on PU8 and copy over the data folder (while the services are stopped).  Use this instance for the upgrade process.

    This is the process that I followed to succesfully update the MongoDB version in a PU8 to :V12 migration:
    1. Shut down MongoDB service (3.2) on the new VM
    2. Overwrite the MongoDB bin folder with the bin folder from 3.4 (I installed this as a separate instance to extract the bin folder).
    3. Start the MongoDB service
    4. Connect to the MongoDB shell (run mongo from the CMD Prompt in bin directory)
    5. Execute the command: 
            db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" } )
    6.Exit the mongo shell 
    7. Run the MongoDB 3.6 installer to update the 3.2 instance (it will be labelled 3.2 but is actually now 3.4).
    8. Connect to the MongoDB shell by running the following command from the bin directory:
            mongo --ssl --host FullServerName:27017 --sslCAFile "C:\Sage\MongoDB\certs\ca.cacrt" --sslPEMKeyFile C:\Sage\MongoDB\certs\client.pem --sslAllowInvalidHostnames
    9. In the MongoDB shell check compatibility version by running:
         db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )

    This should give you a MongoDB at 3.6 level that you can import into your V12 environment (with relevant exclusions e.g. host, etc).


  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    Thanks Mike,
    Just to give more information, I have two different servers:
    1 PU8 server with data.
    1 V12 server "clean".
    And i need to migrate and upgrade everything, Regarding the folders data the folder upgrade procedure works well:
    ut for Mongodb data I didn't found anything specific, the only thing that worked was:
    During the V12 server "clean" installation, when the installation process reaches the Mongodb setup, I proceed as follow:
    - Install MongoDB for PU8
    - Restore MongoDB data
    - Update MongoDB for 3.6
    After this, the installation goes on as standard.  

  • 0 in reply to Carl Herrmann

    Thank you Carl, 

    My workaround process to migrate and update is basically the same, but it runs in the new machine:
    During the V12 server "clean" installation, when the installation process reaches the Mongodb setup, I proceed as follow:
    - Install MongoDB for PU8
    - Restore MongoDB data
    - Update MongoDB for 3.6
    After this, the installation goes on as standard.  

    I will try to run the process on a separate VM, just to proceed with the MongoDB migration and upgrade.
    Thank you!