Eire VAT Setup


Using Version 12, patch 19

Previously we using DCLVATDEB1 to detail out the VAT needing to be reported. This report now runs as part of the new functionality. So how do we set Version 12 up to report Eire VAT? We can't use the VAT Boxes and Forms, as these specific to the legislation. The companies we are having this issue with, have all been setup to use the BRI legislation. This then pushes the company to use HMRC, which is incorrect for Eire only companies.

So how do we set Version 12 up to report VAT in Eire?

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  • 0 in reply to Andrew Jarrett

    Understand what you are saying, and I'd have to work it through. Eire comes under the BRI legislation, which is linked to the MTD setup.

    The other issue is that this is assuming the customer is on the latest version and patch, and as we all know there are many customers that will patch to the latest patch as soon as it's released, never mind upgrade to the latest version. This customer in particular has 3rd party apps, which are always a few patches behind, and always causes issues when patching.

  • 0 in reply to martin2

    Yes I agree the patching is the tricky part. (V12 P19 onwards cumulative patching kicks in, a great improvement)