Cumulative AUC cost versus Stock valuation report


Hi City dwellers!


nice case for you today! As always funky one!


First question: Can we use the valuation report in the past for average price method? Cumulative or others.


I documented a case with Sage Support but unfortunately, they were not able to recreate the situation my customer is having.


Here is how the valuation method is set up:



In this case, BN024 is received by pallet. Stock unit is BTL (bottle/unit) and pack unit is a pallet of 1232 BTLs.



So, we have product BN024 with a costing of 0.5584$ (average price) but the stock valuation report indicates 371.31$





I cannot figure out why!!! Can someone help?

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    HI Martin,

    Did you try generate this report without "Accountig Date"  flag? Because this flag change the valuation.

    We dont have any problem with stock valuation when we dont use this field.

    But it's good, before you generete this report, run "Cost Adjustment" function, to adjustment some stock issues 

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Silva

    Thank you Bruno. We will try it out and update this post accordingly!


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    we have product BN024 with a costing of 0.5584$ (average price)

    Where are you looking at this information? 

    You need to know the past AVC amount is not stored but recalculated based on the current one. Then the script is taking all movements between now and the reference date (06/04/20) in your example and rebuild the past AVC by adding the value of the stock that has been issued since 06/04/20 and removing the stock value that has been received since 06/04/20.
    So an error can come from either the current AVC or the transactions used in the calculation.
    - When you ran the report at the current date, what AVC do you have?

    - Common errors in the transactions come from error on the date (IPTDAT) or on the value (VARORD):

    • When using backdate transactions, you may have an issue backdated compared to the receipt date. This will virtually create a negative quantity or corrupt the quantity in stock at that time (hence corruption the AVC calculation in the past)
    • Value can be wrong. In your configuration,
      • if you create a product-site (then current AVC is nill as there is not stock) with std cost at 10.
      • You do a misc. receipt at zero: then the current AVC is still zero and the stock value is zero - which is logical -
      • You issue this stock: the value should be zero BUT you set the alternative default with 'Standard cost' so the issue will be valued 10 per unit.
      • When you run the stock valuation report before the allocaton date of the issue, system takes current AVC (zero) and readd 10 (the value of the issue). So the stock valuation report will display 10 instead of zeo.
    • Value can be wrong as well if you changed the stock valuation method.

    To know if you are in a case with inconsistant dates, you can use the inquiry CONSSMA and look for negative quantity on the period 06/04/20 -> Today.

    To know if you are in a case with wrong value: check if your product has stock movement with PRINAT <> 5 or 8. If this is the case, the stock valuation report won't display the correct past AVC for the period impacted.