ERROR When creating new customer throw REST API


i used all the fields requested from BPCUSTOMER.$details and fill them with same data but i always got same error below :


i searched that field (BPC_BPD_REP) in sage x3 and in response but i didn't find it i just found (BPCBPDC_REP)

  • 0

    The error is referring to a Class structure identity. Looking at the representation, BPC is reference to the class BPC (BPCUSTOMER), on that class there is a collection called BPD (Customer delivery address) which is class BPDLVCUST. On the class BPDLVCUST is a another collection called C_REP (Customer reps) which is linked to the sales representative. My assumption is that the class SALESREP which this datatype is associated with is corrupted. Try validating the class SALESREP, or do a System Class validation and Link resync. 

  • 0 in reply to Regard Hulsbos

    thank you for your response it makes it more clear,but i just did System Class validation then a link resync for all tables but the error persist

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