developpement arround sage x3 using web service

I want to save data from sage to my sql database, the problem is in soap i get a group structure. example:

"ITM0_1": {
"ZTCLCOD": "Invest",
"ITMSTA": "1",
"ITMSTA_LBL": "Actif",
"ITMREF": "ASS001",
"DES1AXX": "Serveur informatique"
"ITM1_1": {
"DES2AXX": "Serveur",
"DES3AXX": ""


but i don't think that's right to create lot of group tables and even there is no relations between those groups to create classes for them for 1 model like ITMMASTER. any idea how i can deal with this structure.

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  • in reply to wassimmeziou


    I don't think it's necessary to use the GRP names in order to create or save a record.
    I just checked creating a product using the ITM web service object, and I created a product just using the following parameters:

    <FLD NAME="DES1AXX">Flat Top Table</FLD>
    <FLD NAME="DES2AXX">Poly Top Flat Top Table</FLD>

  • in reply to wassimmeziou

    If you're looking for a way to push the data you've posted above into X3 without modification, no, there isn't a solution. If you're willing to do a little bit of data manipulation it's certainly possible.

  • in reply to Alex Lamarca

    @ yes , but there is some tables which impose it like SOH to create command:

    <TAB ID="SOH4_1" SIZE="1">
    <LIN NUM="1">
    <FLD NAME="QTY">2</FLD>

    @Michael C. Bell yes i think so, thank you for your help