Looking for Total Usage Qty


Good Morning! I am currently working on swapping from Process Pro To Sagex3 and one of the columns in PP is Usage qty which is total qty used for the year. Is there a field in sagex3 for this? As always, your responses are greatly appreciated!

  • +1
    verified answer

    In the table ITMMVTHIS, you will found the total quantity issued from stock in the year for a specific product and specific site. The field YEAISSQTY is the one to use. Just pay attention because the key for this table is per product-site and fiscal period. So if you need the total quantity for 2020 be sure to select the last period of the year (most likely 01/12/2020).

  • +1
    verified answer

    In the table ITMMVTHIS, you will found the total quantity issued from stock in the year for a specific product and specific site. The field YEAISSQTY is the one to use. Just pay attention because the key for this table is per product-site and fiscal period. So if you need the total quantity for 2020 be sure to select the last period of the year (most likely 01/12/2020).
