Hotfixes that indicate that to integrate them you need to have at least Release 2022 R2 (12.0.30) installed. How do I know from which standard version patch they are included?


Good afternoon,

I would be grateful if someone could clarify how we can know if the hotfixes published in the last months are included from which version?

I give as an example client now updated to:

And in the Portar Partner there are hotfix releases available that require at least Release 2022 R2 (12.0.30) to be installed in order to integrate them. In this case, if the client is upgraded to V12.31 or V12.32, would they be included or do they have to be entered individually after going to the release of each Release according to the ascending order in which the hotfixes appear in the Partner Portal?

I mean that if you update the client in this case to V12.31, would you have to install the following hotfixes in green so that for example the model 303 and others are correct? Or would they be included without the need to integrate them individually?

I understand that following the previous capture, if the client is updated to V12.32, the Hotfix of Model 303. Miscellaneous corrections is integrated, but if the client is updated to V12.31 it would not be there and it would have to be integrated further, am I right? Is there the same criteria for all legislations?

Thank you very much in advance for your time