Difference between TRKFIRST and TRKFIRSTC fields?

Tables like MFGHEAD, MFGITM, and MFGMAT have first TRKFIRST and TRKFIRSTand TRKLAST and TRKLASTC. What does the C mean at the end? Sometimes the two date versions are the same, but sometimes they are not. And the table dictionary in the online help center doesn't describe any difference between the two.

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    Oh, that's a really good question. This isn't an answer, but I was curious so I looked, really more of an observation.

    It appeared to me that none of the fields that end with a C appear on a screen, only in the table. So, essentially you have a second tracking date that is stored in the back end, constantly initialized and then set with a value in 4GL (I checked), but never displayed.

    And a lot of the time in 4GL they are just defaulting the date value to date$ if the value is greater than date$ or there is no date value.