Hi All, 

We are experiencing intermittent attachment issues with attaching documents in Sage X3, using the standard attachment function on X3 purchase request and purchase invoice functions. 

We noticed that this occurs sporadically and is limited to some users, in other words, when one user struggles attaching a document, it is isolated to that user and doesn't affect other users who may be attaching documents. We are also unable to replicate this issue when investigating the matter. 

The document naming convention doesn't contain any special characters, except for underscore. The document also has a unique file name. 

When the user attempts to upload the document, the select the ATT folder, like they usually do and upload the file, but when the file has been uploaded, the user cannot click OK to upload the file to the function. If they click CANCEL or the X on the FILE UPLOAD window, the file is discarded. 

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    Validate that your filename + path (Sage X3 folder installation windows path) does not exceed 249 characters. Other that that, once the user has uploaded the file (after selecting the file for upload), ensure a copy of the file is in the tmp folder of the current endpoint. If it is not there, verify that your antivirus did not quarantine the file and that the file is not corrupted.

    You should also verify the sandbox definition file in your runtime folder to determine if there are any file upload restrictions.