DOSINTEG (Data Integrate): (Application server time) Who is sending this error message?) (11001)



Sage X3 version: X3 v12 Patch 33, hotfixed with Syracuse latest version.

Was doing a folder data integration through batch, got canceled.

Checking the logs:

06-14-23 13:38:19 (Application server time) Query terminated with error (Who is sending this error message?) (11001)

Anyone have any idea what the error meant?

  • +1
    verified answer


    This issue can be related to the runtime memory allocation or HDD space. There was a mismanagement of resources by the RT. It is fully fixed with RT 96.

    The only way to work around this would be to increase the maxmem and make sure to have ample HDD space. Here is an example of what the error may look like in the log files.

    <channel 512>message(0,13,1)=Who is sending this error message?<c

    hannel 512>err_adx(1,_$ö)