sales order form- suppress headers/ footers on crystal report


Hi- I'm hoping someone can help me as in a pickle trying to resolve this issue.  I have to add Terms and conditions to the sales order form but it is about 3 pages long.   I'm having issues suppressing the header on the section where the terms are displayed.   I don't want any page headers or footers on the last pages that display the terms.   I've tried so many options but nothing is working.  Does anyone have any suggestions?   thanks in advance.  Christine

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    Hi Christine,

    For assistance in any customized reports either via Sage or Crystal reports, it will have to be handled by your business partner, please reach out to them for assistance.

    If it comes to making changes in regards to formatting, modifying the field values and visual representation to view the report correctly they may need to enlist the help of a certified CR writer.
