About attachment folder when archiving records to archive folder


Let's take an example, in SEED folder, I have a Purchase Request record dated 2018. This purchase request record has two attachment in ATT folder of the SEED endpoint.

I will run an archive procedure for Purchase Request with shelf life of 2 years now in SEED folder.

Question is: Will the Purchase Request record's attachment be viewable and usable when visiting the archive folder? Will the required ATT files be moved to the archive folder HSEED's ATT folder?

Additional note: When I am checking the online help, I found this document but there is no details where I can get the recodification tool: online-help.sageerpx3.com/.../

Top Replies

  • Hi  ,

    the attachment URL you linked to is actually the documentation for the Attachment migration tool

    see below.

    As for your History/Purge question, I believe so, but it has been a very long…

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi  ,

    the attachment URL you linked to is actually the documentation for the Attachment migration tool

    see below.

    As for your History/Purge question, I believe so, but it has been a very long time since I have tried to archive anything. You should probably test to make sure it does what you expect it to. If not, please open a case with your local support group.

  • 0 in reply to chris hann

    Ok thanks for the information.

    I was confused when I used Usage > Attachment migration (AMIGNAMFIC) and checked the function help from the function itself but it leads me to online help main home page instead.

    The function fits the requirement to validate the attachment status both from Sage X3 side and attachment actual existence on the expected path.

    This would probably need a manual move work from my side based on the function's validation results as I have concern for automated move by date may not sync with the actual Sage X3 records in archive folder.