Sage X3 V7 Update8 SOAP Webservice Using PHP


Hi eveybody,

I want to call webservices to interact with Sage using PHP.

I have this error : 

Il n'y a pas de Header element [][CAdxCallingContext] dans le message Soap.

I can have the Object WSDL and the listing of methods using var_dump($client->__getFunctions()) This is the code that I'm using:

$wsdl_object = "XYZ:PORT/.../CAdxObjectXml

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl_object, array('trace' => 1));

$headerParams = array('ns1:codeLang' => 'FRA',
'ns1:codeUser' => 'XXXX',
'ns1:password' => '',
'ns1:poolAlias' => 'ZZZZ',
'ns1:requestConfig' => 'adxwss.trace.on=on&adxwss.trace.size=16384&adonix.trace.on=on&adonix.trace.level=3&adonix.trace.size=8');
$soapStruct = new SoapVar($headerParams, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);
$headers = new SoapHeader($wsdl_object, 'CAdxCallingContext', $soapStruct, false);


$result = $client->getDescription("PUBLICNAME");

Any help would be appreciated !

Best regards