X3 Server and Java Bridge Server- Communication


Good afternoon to all,

I'm having a little issue wiht one of my clients.

The X3 server is not communicating with the java bridge server, after the client made some Windows updates. When i run the telnet command the result is good, going to the http://localhost:portnumber, i can see that the javabridge server and bundles are ok, but something happened when they run the Windows update, that is not allowing the 2 servers to communicate.

The X3 runs in a 2003 32 bits Windows environment and the application is in version 5, patch 27.

Any thoughts anyone?

Thanks in advance,

Joana Pinto Basto

  • 0
    Are you receiving any errors inside the Windows event log?
    You may also consider taking the list of the Windows updates and research them one-by-one to determine which one of those updates COULD be a problem. Then uninstall that particular update. There can't be more than a handful, unless you are WAY behind on your updates.
  • 0 in reply to Delamater
    Thanks for your answer. The IT department made hundred of updates, mostly related with .NET Framework and Windows security Server. Honestly I don't know what can be interacting with the communication between X3 server and javabridge server. I notice that almost everytime i log into X3 i have a window of JIT debbuger by Visual Studio.
  • 0 in reply to JoanaSPB
    Perhaps you could try reinstalling the bits for the Java Server?
    Or even better, procure any available machine and install a new Java Server there, along with the adxadmin service and see if you can use that machine as an alternative.
    You could roll back to prior to the hundreds of updates too. I realize that isn't desireable, but installing hundreds of updates at once seems a bit uncontrolled.

    Why do they have Visual Studio (a development tool) on a production machine anyways?
    I know you said that the communication seems to be working, but did you turn the firewall completely off just as a temporary test?

    If you are getting any errors, post them here too, maybe we'll get lucky, unless of course you are just getting a timeout error.

    Hope this helps in some way.
  • 0 in reply to Delamater

    Thanks Delamater!
    I already installed the java server in another machine, and the problem continues.. And the firewall is off.
    This issue is appearing due to an obligation in Portuguese legislation: the invoices must be coded, once i post an invoice, the javabrige communicates and returns with a certification code. The problem is that know, that communication is not happening. I already reinstalled the technical components: java server and runtime, and nothing changed. on the event log i have 2 errors that caught my attention, but i can't nterpreted them, the errors are:

    .NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3662 - Executable "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegSvcs.exe" AppDomain "RegSvcs.exe" deleted obsolete native image "C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System\e290548b90e9ab8ddb8eeeab540ebc46\System.ni.dll"

    .NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3662 - Executable "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe" AppDomain "DefaultDomain" deleted obsolete native image "C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\mscorlib\6672a1fcb68105214e372ed69ea08618\mscorlib.ni.dll"

    And also, when i run a treatment called XPTTESTCERT (i think that is only used in PT Leg- it tests the connection to the java server ) the windows event log gives me the following error:

    The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( Sage X3 Client ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: The following file cannot be read:
    "mtserver4:[email protected]/XPTESTCERT$src".

  • 0 in reply to JoanaSPB
    Hi there,

    Ok, this is good information!

    The translation of "O ficheiro seguinte não pode ser lido ", the relevant part of the event description is "The following file can not be read".

    So, find the owner of the process that is trying to access the XPTESTCERT file within the ASOEIRO folder and figure out the actual user of that process.

    Next, log into Windows as that user and try to access that file.
    If you cannot, then you've duplicated the problem.
    If you can, then we have a real crazy issue going on.

    One thing to note, this is a source file, not an executable (adx) file. So, one wonders, what process is this really that is trying to use a source file? It doesn't seem likely that any of the runtimes, the java server included, is trying to compile the source on the fly, so who is actually trying to access this source file? Could it be someone inside the process editor within X3 trying to compile the source manually? Even if this event error isn't your actual problem, still, a similar permission problems may exist even for the executable itself, you never know. I would make sure the event error time stamp matches up with the time you had the problem in the Java Server.

    Also, to test the permissions problem I would switch the service user for the Java Server to the actual local admin account just as a test and see if that helps.

    I would also try to use the local service account as well, again just as a test. Remember, the local service account has great access to the local machine, and virtually no access to anything outside the box.

    Your .net framework errors are revolving around DLLs compiled natively. This is a process .NET implemented a long time ago. The Just In Time compilation process takes a while the first time a DLL is used as it will compile the code to that computer's specific processor, this takes time. In order to help with this process Microsoft allows you to create native images that are pre compiled. In this case, the note you found is simply saying that there was an obsolete image found, so it deleted it.

    Note, it found it in the .net 2.0 directory. Any chance someone uninstalled .net 2.0?

    Hope this helps,
  • 0 in reply to Delamater

    Hi Bob,
    As you said i change the service user to the local admin user of java server, and nothing. I only have the .NET v2.0. 50727. But no .net 2.0. I execute the treatment in the debugger mode and I have the following error "Socket. Nonexistent file".