BPARTNER (structure) Web services.


I've worked quite a lot with web-services - custom sub-programs and objects. No problem there. My problem is with the standard X3 web-services that uses 'structures'.

How does the standard X3 BPARTNER webservices work? I can see it's using some-or-other structure, but I don't know how it works? This is for V6.5.

  • 0
    Are you asking how to use the query method in reference to the BP object?
  • 0 in reply to pbennett
    I'm going to go ahead and mark this thread as answered for a couple reasons:
    1. The original thread is a bit old now
    2. While the initial question asks how does it work,that isn't really clear enough to understand how to help and Pbennett's response has gone unanswered.

    If you would like to continue on with this thread Jacques, no problem, just be so kind as to respond to Pbennett's question.

  • 0
    verified answer
    I have the answer. With all the VM's we receive from Sage, there were some "strange" web-services on, that makes use of structures. XML view:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ADXDATA>
    - <GRP PNA="G1" NAM="G1" DIM="1">
    <FLD NAM="APARWML" IDX="1" TYP="Char" PAR="Adr" MOD="Input" C_ENG="Parameter structure" />
    <FLD NAM="BPARTNER" IDX="2" TYP="Char" PAR="Adr" MOD="Input" C_ENG="Data structure" />
    <FLD NAM="AERROR" IDX="3" TYP="Char" PAR="Adr" MOD="Input" C_ENG="Message" />
    <ADXMEN />

    I got the official reply from Bruno Gonzalez, that I'm not to use it in version 6. It is version 7 developments that they were using for Syracuse. There is no standard BPARTNER web-services. I have to create my own based on the Object.
  • 0 in reply to Jacques F
    Hi Jacques,

    Thanks for updating the thread. I meant to put that in my first reply, but I suppose I was distracted when posting. In any case, the pre-sales images you might have received may not always represent exactly what the core product is written to do out of the box, they often work to get additional functionality working.

    Anyways, I appreciate you updating your thread and closing the feedback loop.
