• Question about folder importing Sage X3 database from a SQL Server 2022 instance to SQL Server 2016 instance (higher version to lower version)

    Hi, Question: Can I import Sage X3 folder which was taken from a server using newer version of SQL Server to an older version SQL Server? Second question: Can I import Sage X3 folder which was taken from Oracle database to a SQL Server database? …
  • Folder Creation error while copying from PROD and running the Import using Sage Management console

    Hi, I am receiving this below error while trying to create a new folder by copying the Production folder. Can some one help me resolve this issue please. Thank you!
  • Sage X3 Console on Import: Loading the list of folders taking very long time.

    Hi Sage X3 v12p30 When using Sage X3 Console, when I try to import a new folder, this loading of folders is taking a very long time.
  • X3 Console, folder import: Error while running _lstfilseq{folder}.bat in folder to import : NOK (LibAdm.GenScriptsImportFolderNT) The system cannot find the file specified.

    For example, if folder name is: PRD. ``` X3 Console, folder import: Error while running _lstfilseqprd.bat in folder to import : NOK (LibAdm.GenScriptsImportFolderNT) The system cannot find the file specified. ``` Cause: One of the required sequence…