Sage X3 Intelligence Reporting cannot create the report. Microsoft Excel is not currently installed.

Having installed and run Sage X3 Intelligence Reports for the past few weeks, I now get this error message:

"Sage X3 Intelligence Reporting cannot create the report. Microsoft Excel is not currently installed. Install MS Excel."

I have uninstalled SI from my laptop, restarted, and reinstalled.  Same result.  I can install on another workstation and run with no problem but this is not an ideal long-term solution. 

Could this be a licencing issue, as I have also noticed an Unlock Excel icon on the Report Manager Tools, System ribbon.  Clicking on that icon gives another error message:

"Error Number: [429]  Description: [ActiveX component can't create object]  Source: [ BICore]


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    Hi Barbara,

    This issue was previously resolved, if you keep excel work book open before running a report.

    This issue also could be possibly misconfiguration of registry keys while installing and uninstalling.

    I also chatted to one of our developers who says that when the report is run, our code tries to instantiate Excel (in the simplest way possible) and if this fails it generates the message you received. So it seems that the problem is more of an environmental one.

    If you would like further assistance then I suggest logging a call with Sage Support as they will be able to remote in and take a closer look.



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    Thanks, Prasad.   It makes no difference whether Excel is open or closed at the time of running the report.

    I did wonder if there was a registry issue because the reports were running fine earlier that day and then this error suddenly occurred.   Nothing had been uninstalled, reinstalled, and no system changes were made.

    I have escalated this to Sage Support via our business partner.