How to complete a part receipted GRV


A GRV has been processed for the PO and some lines were missed.

How to complete the GRV, not sure if it will duplicate the lines already receipted.

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  • 0 in reply to Waldo Robbertse

    Thanks, Waldo

    There are so many permutations and possibilities here Slight smile

    To explain further, consider the following scenario:

    1. Capture and place the following Purchase Order


     2. When the stock arrives, process the GRV on 7 March 2024 for the full amount of units originally ordered,


    3. The SINV has now arrived and needs to be processed. it is recalled this way 

    4. And processed this way: 5 units less than the GRV as you are invoiced less than what was actually delivered. 

    5. SINV printed

    6. Let's now see about the partially processed. Only the SINV doc remains in this case as the PO as a whole has been processed. 

    7. When opened, it is displayed as below.

    Don’t process it:

    It only indicates that this document can still be processed as a SINV document as only 95 of the 100 units were originally processed.



    Do you want to know how to get rid of this document?