Account Selection Error


Good Day 

I'm really sure how to explain this without it sounding like I just didn't create the account. 

When I click on the magnifying glass to select an account be it ledger, supplier or customer, the date will appear in the account slot and then I get than error saying the account doesn't exist. This isn't the first time this has happened, previously when this has happened I just restart Pastel and then it works fine, but now even restarting my PC doesn't work. I'm really baffled by this one and I can't find any like this on google.

Side Note: I'm working on a MacBook Pro with Parallels installed on it. Up to now I haven't had any issues.

Please help 


Parents Reply
  • +1 in reply to Rachel Frauenstein
    verified answer

    Good day Rachel Frauenstein

    Please try to reset the defaults and settings and see if this will resolve the issue. You may use the article below to do so:

    Should the error persists, then the masterfiles might need to be refreshed, please follow the steps below: 

    In Edit | Customers | Accounts, page down through each record from the first record to the last. You will do so by going to Edit | Customers | Accounts. On the keyboard you will need to press and hold down the page down key until you receive a message that there is a missing description. You will enter the description then save the changes. You will then carry on paging down until there are no more errors.

     You will then follow the same procedure with the suppliers, general ledger and inventory items. 

    Please verify or reply and let us know if the advice / suggestion provided was helpful.

    Kind Regards.
