Back Pay


Hello All,

I just wanted to find out how "Back Pay" is handled in Sage VIP Premier.


  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi George, hope you are well. What do you guys usually use the line for? Generally it is used for back paying items such as overtime or normal salary where increases were due at a certain date but were processed late. Back Pay can also be used as a line to pay an employee for salary that was due to them if they started at the end of the previous month and was not paid then but is only receiving the money now at the end of their first full month worked. It is loaded with IRP5 code 3601 for normal salary and 3607 for Overtime payments and taxed as normal. The line can be setup so that you process the hours to be paid or you can just do fixed input as well. Let me know if you need any additional information

  • 0 in reply to Shani Cloete

    Thanks, , your explanation was very clear.