Adding users to Sage X3

2 minute read time.

Setting up users in Sage X3 involves several steps to ensure that individuals within your organization have the appropriate access levels and permissions. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to set up users in Sage X3:

Step 1: Accessing User Administration

  1. Login to Sage X3: Start by logging into the Sage X3 system with administrative credentials.
  2. Navigate to User Administration: Access the User Administration module, typically found in the Configuration or Administration section of the Sage X3 interface.

Step 2: Adding a New User

  1. Access User Setup: Once in the User Administration module, look for an option to "Add" or "Create" a new user.
  2. Fill in User Details: Enter the required information for the new user, including their name, username, contact details, and any other relevant details.
  3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities: Define the user's role or roles within the organization. Roles help determine the user's access to different modules and functionalities within Sage X3.
  4. Set Permissions: Specify the permissions associated with each role. This includes defining whether the user can view, edit, or delete specific data or perform certain actions.

Step 3: Configuring User Access Rights

  1. Access User Access Rights: Navigate to the User Access Rights section, where you can fine-tune the user's access to specific data or functionalities.
  2. Define Data Access: Determine which data the user can access. This may involve setting up data permissions based on business units, departments, or specific criteria.
  3. Configure Functional Access: Specify the user's functional access rights, outlining what modules, screens, or actions they can perform within Sage X3.

Step 4: Setting Password Policies

  1. Configure Password Settings: Establish password policies for users, including complexity requirements and expiration periods. This enhances security within the Sage X3 system.

Step 5: Testing User Access

  1. Perform User Testing: Before finalizing the user setup, conduct thorough testing. Log in as the new user to ensure they have the intended access and permissions.

Step 6: Save and Confirm

  1. Save Changes: Once satisfied with the user setup, save the changes to confirm the new user's details, roles, and access rights.

Step 7: Review and Maintain

  1. Regularly Review User Access: Periodically review user access rights to ensure they align with changing organizational needs. Make adjustments as necessary.
  2. Deactivate or Delete Inactive Users: If employees leave the organization or change roles, deactivate or delete their user accounts to maintain security and clarity within the system.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up users in Sage X3, ensuring that each individual has the appropriate access and permissions to fulfill their roles within the organization. Regularly reviewing and updating user access rights helps keep your Sage X3 system secure and aligned with your business processes.