Adding users to Volumes in Sage X3

2 minute read time.

Allowing Sage X3 users access to volumes involves configuring the necessary permissions and access rights to specific directories or network shares where data, reports, or other resources are stored. Here is a general guide to help you set up access to volumes for Sage X3 users:

1. Identify Volumes or Directories:

Determine the volumes or directories that Sage X3 users need access to. This could include data storage, report repositories, or any other directories related to Sage X3 operations.

2. User Permissions:

Ensure that Sage X3 users have the appropriate permissions to access the identified volumes. This involves both operating system-level permissions and, if applicable, network share permissions.

  • Operating System Permissions:
    • On Windows Server, right-click on the volume or directory, go to "Properties," and navigate to the "Security" tab.
    • Add or modify user accounts to grant the necessary permissions (Read, Write, Modify, Full Control, etc.).
  • Network Share Permissions (if applicable):
    • If the volumes are shared over the network, configure share permissions.
    • Right-click on the shared folder, select "Properties," and navigate to the "Sharing" tab.
    • Adjust permissions to allow Sage X3 users the required access.

3. Sage X3 Security Configuration:

Sage X3 has its own security configuration that dictates user access within the application. Ensure that the Sage X3 users have the correct roles and permissions configured within the system.

  • Log in to Sage X3 as an administrator.
  • Navigate to the security or user administration section.
  • Assign roles to users based on the tasks they need to perform.

4. Integration with Active Directory (Optional):

If your organization uses Active Directory, integrate Sage X3 with Active Directory to streamline user management. This can help synchronize user accounts and permissions between Sage X3 and your Windows Server environment.

5. Testing:

Test user access to the volumes by logging in as a Sage X3 user and attempting to access the specified directories. Ensure that they can read, write, and perform any necessary operations without encountering permission issues.

6. Regular Review and Updates:

Periodically review and update user access rights as organizational needs change. Deactivate or modify permissions for users who no longer require access to specific volumes.

7. Documentation:

Document the configuration steps, including user permissions, Sage X3 roles, and any integration details. This documentation can be valuable for future reference and auditing.

By following these steps, you can effectively allow Sage X3 users access to volumes while maintaining a secure and organized data access structure. Keep in mind that specific steps may vary based on your environment and Sage X3 configuration, so refer to the relevant Sage X3 documentation for additional guidance.