Enforcing that customers with credit hold cannot have stock allocated when sales orders are entered

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Scenario:  Enforcing that customers with credit hold cannot have stock allocated when sales orders are entered. N.B: Customer NA012 is used as an example.

A. Setting the authorized credit limit to $0 for customer NA012

Go to

  1. Common Data>BPs>BPs>Customers
  2. Define the Customer (NA012) in this scenario.
  3. Go To Management and check CHECK

4.Set the authorized credit limit to 0

5. Save the changes

B. Setting the authorization to unlock parameter to No

  1. Go to Setup>Users.
  2. Click on Parameters and navigate to Page 3
  3. Go to line 59 (Sales, Authorizations) and click on Actions icon then Details.
  4. Go to line 4 SCDTUNL and change the value to No
  5. Save the changes.

NB: The Authorization to unlock parameter can be found under the sales chapter and AUZ Group.