Error: The entered field does not respect the field format type when inserting an amount with 13 digits on Debit/credit lines on the journal entry.

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Error message: Debit: The entered field does not respect the field format type.


The format (digit)on the Currency setup does not accommodate the amount/number of digits being inserted.

The format is interpreted as follows:

Format 1 = the length of the amount is 13(digits) and after the separator, there can only be 2 digits.

Therefore if the setting on Format 1 is for example 9.2 , You would not be able to insert an amount with more than 9 digits.


  1. Check the Format of the currency on the Journal entry. Eg Using Currency NGN

2.  Change the Format 1 digits to 13.2, this will allow you to insert 13 digits instead of the 11.

3. Save the changes and try inserting the digits on the journal lines.