Is your Sage X3 folder getting too big!?

1 minute read time.

Time to put on your investigative journalism hat. Check which tables are bulking often? Check if they are temporary tables? If yes then batch task AHISTO might be your best friend, setup tasks to purge off old data. Check if table sizes such as STOJOUVAL, data compress if too big.

Old and unnecessary data in temporary tables, find out and take action.

Submit a task to purge temporary tables:

Why compress data?

1.Compressing data can reduce the on-disk storage requirements by 50 to 75%; for a large table that might equate to many gigabytes of regained space on your precious SAN or local SSD storage.

2.Reduced memory consumption. To read compressed data, SQL Server uncompresses it on-the-fly. This means you might be able to reduce the amount of memory used by SQL Server and get higher utilization if your environment is virtualized. Higher utilization equals lower costs. Sounds like a win to me.

3.Increase in Page Life Expectancy (PLE) is how long the average data page will remain in memory. Higher PLE means higher performance, up to a point. If you have a server with 100 second PLE, and compressing data bumps PLE up to 1000, that’s a major win.

4.Reduced I/O congestion. Since compressed data occupies less space, reading a compressed table from disk into memory requires less I/O bandwidth than reading an uncompressed table into memory. 

5.Increased CPU utilization. Assuming you’re on a paid edition of SQL Server, you’re paying for CPU, you may as well use it. Compression does increase CPU utilization, so you’ll probably not want to compress tables on a system that is already CPU bound. Aside from that, you’re golden if you’ve got spare CPU capacity. May as well use it to your advantage!

Check and compress large tables:

How to compress a table is Sage X3

1.Open function GESATB, select STOJOUVAL for example.

2.Select the index tab configuration file section




3.Save and do a forced validation

4.Forced validation process will take time and must be done out of business hours in a dedicated maintenance window. Make sure there is enough disk space on the SQL log file.

Enjoy better system performance.