setting up LDAP security

1 minute read time.

Setting up LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) on Sage X3 allows users to authenticate against an LDAP server, rather than having to manage user accounts separately in Sage X3. Here's how to set up LDAP on Sage X3:

  1. Log in to Sage X3 as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to "Administration" -> "Users" -> "Directory Services".
  3. In the "Directory Services" window, click on the "LDAP" tab.
  4. Check the "Enable LDAP" checkbox to enable LDAP authentication.
  5. Enter the LDAP server details, including the LDAP server name or IP address, port number, and protocol version.
  6. Enter the LDAP bind credentials, which are used to authenticate against the LDAP server. This typically includes a username and password that has read access to the LDAP directory.
  7. Configure the LDAP search base, which is the starting point for the LDAP search. This typically includes the root of the LDAP directory, such as "dc=example,dc=com".
  8. Configure the LDAP search filter, which is used to search for users in the LDAP directory. This typically includes the LDAP attribute for the user's login name, such as "(sAMAccountName=%s)".
  9. Test the LDAP configuration by clicking the "Test" button. If the test is successful, the LDAP users and groups will be displayed in the "Directory Services" window.
  10. Click "OK" to save the LDAP configuration.

Once LDAP is set up, users can log in to Sage X3 using their LDAP credentials. Users will be authenticated against the LDAP server, and their Sage X3 account will be created automatically if it does not already exist.