Glitch, recording payment to credit card in payments window

this has happened on numerous computers now and i believe it is a glitch because i can keep making it happen. 

if you open payments and choose pay credit card, then choose the bank to pay from, then hit the pin, then select the credit card to make the payment to (i choose card 0981) and then click the pin, i posted $2000, and filled in the other fields then post, then leave this window open and do another post, keep bank same, but change the credit card to a different credit card number (i chose card 9204) and for $500 and posted. then if you go into gl, the first posting is all correct, but the second has posted to acct 0981 with the note of paying credit card 9204 in the header (which is the actual card the pmt should have gone to). so the pin is recalling the account from the prior posting and not recognizing that you changed the field, but somehow it's changing the noted account to the proper name it should have posted to. so now in the gl under 0981 i have two payments that read 

i can tell this is a glitch because it's changing the name of the card in the header of the posting but not changing the gl number to correspond. 

this only works if you do the pin on both places.

anyone else try this?