The Sage X3 Support UKI team ran a "Sage X3 Technical Support Tips and Tricks" event on 22nd September 2021. For those who attended, I hope you found the sessions interesting and informative.
This blog article has links from which you can access the individual session materials, for the topics presented on the day:
- Support Update (Mike Shaw)
- SSL certificates on Syracuse & MongDB (Mike Shaw)
- MongoDB administration and upgrade(Raheel Khan)
04 - MongoDB Adminstration & Upgrade .pdf
04 - MongoDB Adminstration & Upgrade - The Demo Script.pdf
- SEI logging and auditing (Reggie Perrins)
05 - SEI Logging and auditing.pdf
- Elasticsearch (Chris Cobbold)
- Investigation Scripts (Mike Shaw)
07 - Investigation Scripts.pdf
We look forward to welcoming you next time!
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