Leads screen not showing statistics as in training video

Hi all,

I am watching the Sage CRM training video. On the Leads screen, I see there are statistics for 

  1. Average Time Open (days)
  2. Opened Today
  3. Opened This Week
  4. Opened This Month

Video link: https://sageu.csod.com/lms/scorm/clientLMS/LMS3.aspx?rNum=1&aicc_sid=6199414sageu&packageId=TOC1&qs=%5e%5e%5elX9BVEWjJ8PTiWZb2vWfhkNk1AzhLl1XFi7JK4WNlcj7OHQ7oqr6vr%2fq5svyHRYMV9w4hK4fXCr4%2bBZStqTj9CbwvN534VcCOGg4F6kldCnhXGzRE%2bOeheeyYRLOqUd%2bhqsGlC3u7UCDF4TG8arKKypPq0VZ8kT5LJWdbf7EGbRfXnNgNu6mlmAmVhDSrLNy022qhsV8T7uzhH2%2f92lCvjwfDzgnwE9FnZf1X0RpVW8%3d

However, on my Leads screen, I only have the pipeline, no statistics. How can I make the statistics available on screen?

Thank you

  • 0

    Hi Murni

    The version of the lead screen with the funnel chart is of an older version of Sage CRM that is not longer available.  The information contained there can be produced by a report and the pipeline you see displayed in your instance of Sage CRM is the current we present lead information.

    Let me know if you have other questions. 

  • 0

    Hi Murni

    The version of the lead screen with the funnel chart is of an older version of Sage CRM that is not longer available.  The information contained there can be produced by a report and the pipeline you see displayed in your instance of Sage CRM is the current we present lead information.

    Let me know if you have other questions. 
