Leads screen not showing statistics as in training video

Hi all,

I am watching the Sage CRM training video. On the Leads screen, I see there are statistics for 

  1. Average Time Open (days)
  2. Opened Today
  3. Opened This Week
  4. Opened This Month

Video link: https://sageu.csod.com/lms/scorm/clientLMS/LMS3.aspx?rNum=1&aicc_sid=6199414sageu&packageId=TOC1&qs=%5e%5e%5elX9BVEWjJ8PTiWZb2vWfhkNk1AzhLl1XFi7JK4WNlcj7OHQ7oqr6vr%2fq5svyHRYMV9w4hK4fXCr4%2bBZStqTj9CbwvN534VcCOGg4F6kldCnhXGzRE%2bOeheeyYRLOqUd%2bhqsGlC3u7UCDF4TG8arKKypPq0VZ8kT5LJWdbf7EGbRfXnNgNu6mlmAmVhDSrLNy022qhsV8T7uzhH2%2f92lCvjwfDzgnwE9FnZf1X0RpVW8%3d

However, on my Leads screen, I only have the pipeline, no statistics. How can I make the statistics available on screen?

Thank you

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  • 0 in reply to murni

    There are.. or rather there are examples that can cloned and adapted.

    For example, there is a default report called "Lead Decision Timeframe" that should provide more information.  Also "LeadtoOpportunityConversionAnalysis" under Marketing make be useful BUT the only report that uses a funnel chart is one based on Opportunities "TeamOpportunitiesInProgressbystage".  If you have a look at how each of these reports are designed you should be able to design one that matches your requirements.

    I would be very interested in hear what additional reports around leads you would find interesting - especially Chart reports that you may wish to include in a dashboard.
